Hurt, suppressed,unloved woman. 

Unloved, unattended,scarred woman

Welcome to the world  of 👩 women

Unloved, cautious, a single eye 👁 snatched by the GODS of the world

Disclaimer- The Complete art is under construction 🚧 🏗 🔨 . Would be soon up for sale.

Hurt, suppressed,unloved women

Something eerily scaring and deserves wholesome attention with only a single eye at work to save her  then worldly, sinews and tortures.

Unattended she moves on,

Halting briefly to only note if fear pursues her anymore,

She travels far. 

In an attempt to live, in attempt to leave behind at least a scar,

If not a footprint.

She lives cautious, lest she is hurt again.

Though she knows she can’t be scarred no more.

She wears the nose ring, yet she remains untamed,

Unheard she slithers and glides as she is now one with the forms of the world.

Yet, she is resolute to complete her journey,

Letting no one in, except people she has chosen,

Though aware that evil 👿 can trace her back even through the ones she loves.

But, hurt she is and all the more prepared.

Traversing through by lanes of the world.

She only wants to end her journey in this mortal realm,

Even if it means leaving a scar and not a footprint, since for her both are same.

Perhaps more means the scar, as it tells a story of her pain, it tells fellow humans what the world can be.

Hurt, suppressed,unloved woman.

Something eerily scaring and deserves wholesome attention with only a single eye at work to save her  then worldly, sinews and tortures.

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